If a genie suddenly came right in front of me, and I had the ability to have three wishes. . . here is what I would have. My first granted wish would be to go straight to Japan to California. This would be better because I would avoid on going on a plan (that may get me sick because of turbulence), dealing with a passport, or driving. It would be like if I had a button, or a command I would say to go back and forth. I wouldn’t have to get a luggage or pack new clothes! If I wanted to visit a tourist spot like Mount Fuji, I could just say a command and go straight to it! If I get tired, I’ll just go back home! It’s basically a quick place to stop by! It would also help me with money, since going to different countries is expensive, especially when it’s across the world! The next wish the genie would grant would be the ability to have a lot of money, not infinite, just a good amount of money. I don’t want to get selfish! Since if I had too much, I might just want it all to myself. I want a good balance that would settle me right until I don’t need it anymore, so I could donate to charity. The last wish the genie would hear from me is a whole mall just to myself! The mall would include; delicious food, stores for clothes, and anime shops! This way I wouldn’t have to deal with crowds, or loud noises from people talking. Bringing my friends or family to a mall just for us would be excellent! Now, what would your three wishes be?
Since I am up in age, I would wish for peace every where. I would like to wake up and see everyone talking to each other and everyone helping everyone. My second wish would be able to live a comfortable live without a care in the world. Last wish I would like to see my granddaughters to succeed in their careers. I know they will be successful
Not too much money right but a whole mall??? That sounds about right =).
So I like your first wish and it would be one of mine but generalized a bit. Instead of going between two different places (which would be so awesome in of itself) I wish I had the power to teleport maybe with a snap of my fingers for some flair. I’d never again have to deal with traffic (maybe I’d need to be able to snap a whole minivan worth of people though) or vacation travel which is exhausting as you point out.