Being a Principal!

If the principal was out sick, and therefore I was in charge, here is what my day would be like! When the bright sun shines on all of the full classrooms of kids, I would go and check each one to see how they are doing, if they’re being responsible, and what type of area they are learning in. It would be nice to see different classes as well for the nice teachers! After, I would check and send emails. This way, I could be on task and see if anyone needs my help around the school. I wouldn’t want to ignore emails while my time of being a principal. Being a principal for the day, I would demand payment. It doesn’t have to be a lot, but I would like to expect a little money or so from running a whole school. This way it would encourage me to do more things on that day, and it would make me feel like my day counted. Another thing I would do to make kids happy as being the principal would be to have no homework once you leave school. It is only one day, so it wouldn’t be bad or irresponsible for kids, they would still learn. Instead of them struggling with math homework, they could spend time with family and have a relaxing time! That day of running the school, everyone with leave at exactly 1:15 PM (including teachers), it isn’t too early, but it isn’t too long. This way, you could eat lunch and then go straight home after with a full stomach. It also allows free time, along with no homework. Uh oh, it looks like the principal is back! I guess that’s the whole time of my day!

3 thoughts on “Being a Principal!

  1. That’s a great job, but alot responsibility.
    I would like to be involve in learning, I would like to see the younger kids succeed. I was a teacher at one time for adult learning and I would like to see the adults face like up when they got answer right or achieved the task. I like to think I helped them to get the right path

  2. You seem like such a nice principal. I’m sure the kids and the teachers would be big fans. Seems like a great plan for good days. You mentioned that you would check if students are being responsible. I’m curious what ideas you have in cases where students are having trouble staying on task. I know it’s a selfish request as maybe… I’ll try those strategies on you =).

  3. Principal for a day is great however, it takes great responsibility. Although you want to have fun all day, what would the kids learn. I wouldn’t waste an opportunity to learn something new and in a fun way.
    As principal, what would you want to teach and execute it a fun way all in one day?

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